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Главная » Статьи » Mopeds » Automatic

Moped "Automatic"
In 1975 Lviv Motorcycle Plant has mastered the production of mopeds LMZ-2154 "system".

A moped is equipped with an automatic gearbox and the engine WRC-53, which has the same characteristics as the moped engine "Verhovyna." The frame and the individual parts of the vehicle-adapted to accommodate the new powertrain and chassis remained unchanged.

Automatic powertrain is a V-belt CVT, replacing conventional gearbox and clutch. Improvements to simplify the moped: there is no need to manipulate the handles consistently and clutch levers, gear and gas. The driver remained only the throttle and brakes.
When starting, changing speed, stopping, the driver uses only the throttle stick, allowing him to pay more attention to road conditions. The main advantage of the new moped - easy operation.
Категория: Automatic | Добавил: rostislav123 (07.04.2013)
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