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Главная » Статьи » Mopeds » Verkhovyna

Verkhovyna-5, Riga-12

Mopeds are intended for travel on relatively short distances (to work, to school, to the market, hunting, fishing, walking, etc.). Simple device and affordable, they are gaining popularity not only among young people but also older people.

In place of the famous mopeds "Verhovyna-4", "Riga-4" came more sophisticated models - "Verhovyna-5", "Riga-12." They differ from their predecessors not only in appearance. First of all, they have a new, more powerful (at least 2.2 liters. With.) W-57 engine. Instead mesh air filter at it more efficient and paper. This filter requires no maintenance - replace it periodically. Improved design of the muffler, thereby reducing noise Exhaust and improved filling of the cylinder W-57 engine.

In mopeds many sites altered in order to increase the reliability and durability. Thus, the high-voltage transformer B-300 is replaced by a more perfect B-302 control cables are twice as long.

For a more comfortable fit, fatigue even on long journeys on mopeds with extra-long seat (430 mm instead of the previous 290 mm) to allow for changing posture while driving. The same purpose is a new form of steering wheel position is adjustable.
Innovations required changes in the frame - it has become harder and harder.

Relieved starting the engine, as it is now does not run in the movement, and with the rear wheel of the moped, pre-installed on the center stand. Increased the area of ​​the rear rack, which is allowed to carry up to 15 kg load capacity and increased tool boxes. Fuel tanks for up to 5 liters of "Verhovine-5" and 5.5 liters on the "Riga-12", allow to pass without refueling 220-250 km. Sufficiently powerful engine, supple suspension, reliable brakes and wide tires provide movement as on the highway (at 50 km / h), and on country roads.
Категория: Verkhovyna | Добавил: rostislav123 (07.04.2013)
Просмотров: 2060 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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